Malfoys vs Potters

Draco Lucius Malfoy


James Sirius Potter

Albus Severus Potter

Lily Luna Potter

I was feeling petty and I think this is hilarious. If you just look at the names of the kids, which of the parents do you think had a more equal marriage?

Because I assure you, it’s not Harry/Ginny, ha ha.

Oh, Harry Potter. The terrible gift that keeps on giving.

5 thoughts on “Malfoys vs Potters

  1. LOL! It’s a bit strange how Draco adopts his Black family naming tradition for his son. What about the Malfoy naming convention?

    Those kids are not Ginny’s, they are Harry’s 100%


    1. My first thought was that Draco was closer to his mother than his father, hence Scorpius. My second thought was that Draco and his son’s family name is already a Malfoy instead of Black so he probably wanted to keep some traditions from his mother’s side of the family alive. My third thought was that Rowling probably just liked the Black naming conventions better because the Black family tree was one of the few things she put any effort in (even if none of it was relevant in the books).

      Also, Scorpius’ second name, Hyperion, follows Malfoy naming conventions which aren’t as — oh man, what’s the word I’m looking for? — uniform(?) as Black naming conventions anyway and which also checks out with my headcanon that Draco likes naming his pets after mythological monsters, lol. Which doesn’t mean that Draco thinks of his child as a pet OR a monster, lol. Or that titans were monsters even if Cronus ate his children.

      Those kids are not Ginny’s, they are Harry’s 100%

      But yeah, the ending makes it really obvious that Ginny was totally incidental to achieving that ending. She literally could’ve been anyone which means that Rowling and thus Harry literally reduced her to nothing more than a body to re-create Harry’s loved ones. I honestly don’t know how that ship has any shippers but hey, I ship her with her brother so who am I to talk, lol.

      But I’m totally going to write that horror fic from that ending, lol. I already have 2000 words for it, yay.


      1. I don’t know why I thought Hyperion was a constellation name, my bad. Not a huge fan of Scorpius’ full name – it does not roll off the tongue well IMO.

        Can’t wait to see the incest horror unfold!


      2. I guess it’s a fair mistake since the names of gods and stars are intrinsically linked. 🙂

        Can’t wait to see the incest horror unfold!

        Lol, thank you! I wish I was faster at writing it, though. ( ╥﹏╥ )


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