Things one should beware:


Fast speech

Loud speech

Talking without being asked

Intervening in the discourse of others

The desire to have the last word

Duplicitous speech

Talking before the other has finished

Talking at an inappropriate time and place

Talking sense to a drunk

Talking sense when one is drunk

Talking sense to someone mad

Talking sense when one is mad

Bringing up trivial things

Grandiloquent speech

Talking publicly about others’ secrets

Jesting while others are solemn


Replying without listening to what the other said

Getting stuck at the doorway chatting

Contentious speech

Political gossip

Fooling children

Putting words in a child’s mouth

Frivolous dullness

Showing off with Chinese words

Tall stories

Talking about things one cannot do anything about

Badmouthing others

Unnecessary words

Endlessly looking back on things that are gone and won’t return

Praising one’s own deeds


Talking against one’s better knowledge

Talking in loud voices while others sleep


Forcing others to listen to one’s own private matters

Talking without listening what the other says

Talking in feigned geniality — it will only bring bitterness

Talking as if knowing about something you have no knowledge of

Best not to tell anyone that one should not say that

 Nota Bene

(This was a rather long section: I left some things out, things that kind of repeated or I didn’t know how to translate.)

The Header

I tried to find this poem in English but Google yielded no results so I just ended up translating it myself. It’s likely bad and amateurish but I tried.

The mountains coloured by autumn

shall serve as my signposts:

traces of me shall fade

in the immemorial past.

According to the translator, “the mountains coloured by autumn,” is in Japanese “someiro no yama”, which phonetically alludes to “sumeru no yama”. Sumeruyama is, apparently, a nexus mountain in buddhism. Basically, the above is a suicide poem but I thought it was beautiful.