More Slytherin Ron

Well, it’s that season again.

My nemesis: summer.

Theoretically, I like summer. I mean, it’s all bright and clear skies and you can get better pictures, and everything is all pretty and green.


Then there’s the heat.

And I’m just,


So because of that, I’ve been really slow with — well, everything and I feel bad about it.

I mean, I still haven’t finished Seiken Densetsu 3, which is annoying because I have like five minutes of that game left. I was supposed to do reviews of sorts of those games but I played the first two last year and I haven’t touched the third one since… December? They’re not bad games, I even jokingly think they’re the only Final Fantasy games I like, I’m just… all over the place.

I haven’t finished Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets bookmarks and notes either (and edits). I just. Really don’t want to read those books even though I probably should re-read some parts occasionally for that rewrite fic which is going to be a very slow work in progress.

I haven’t watched Avatar: The Last Airbender since January, I think. And the longer I take with that, the more I think I should re-watch Seasons One and Two — or at least read the scripts. But I just… really don’t feel like doing that, ha ha. I mean, I still haven’t watched Season Three but my overall score for that show is: okay. It’s okay. It’s just. Okay. It’s not offensively bad but it’s really not as amazing as everyone raves either. And I don’t think Season Three is going to change my mind because Seasons One and Two messed up in a lot of ways, and things don’t get better on a messy foundation.

It’d also be nice to finish a writing project or two or at least make more progress. Or even post a fic again. I mean, the last fic I wrote was in January and it’s almost June.

How is it almost June?

So obviously my brilliant solution to his lack of progress was free writing Ron/Ginny. Because evidently I’m determined to write stuff that no one would leave kudos or comments on. Because that does wonders for motivation and self-esteem. *still side-eyes the mysterious hundreds of hits on my Ron/Ginny fics*

But what can I say, that crackship is really easy to free write for. Though, this time I had to try three different things before I finally managed to settle on one (for now).

So I thought I’d share a bit again about Slytherin!Ron and Draco. You know, to show why I can’t deny my favourite dork the hilarity that is Ron/Ginny. There’s a brief scene of platonic deniability between Ron/Ginny to set up the scene between Ron and Draco, ha ha. Also, I was free writing this so it might seem abrupt.

By the way, the reason that so many of these free writing exercises have them sleeping in the same bed is that it’s a good way to show that their relationship isn’t quite usual without being explicit, it’s cute, and I have this headcanon that Ron is Ginny’s emotional safe space. Which is why I keep writing that she went to Ron after nightmares and stuff.

Ron stirred at the insistent whisper of his name. He didn’t bother opening his eyes and grunted into the pillow, still mostly asleep.

Ginny nudged him, her small hands persistent and questioning. “Did you wake up? Is it okay if I sleep here?”

Ron groaned, frustrated, and fumbled for her and pulled her into bed. He tucked her into place and draped his arm around her because Ginny had a bad habit of tossing and turning. She squirmed slightly and then settled, huffing out a breath. Ron exhaled heavily, sinking back to sleep.

He woke up early the next morning. Ginny was nestled in his arms, her breaths tickling his neck. Ron blinked at the top of her head, momentarily disoriented. He vaguely remembered waking up to her insistent whispers and tugging her into bed, his sleep-addled mind thinking that they were at home.

But they weren’t at the Burrow.

They were at the dormitory, and indefinable, cold fear seized Ron at the thought of the other boys catching them like this.

He tried to breathe past the choking terror in his throat and told himself to calm down. Malfoy had an obnoxious habit of waking up hideously early and making it everyone else’s problem but it was still quiet. Maybe Ron still had time to get Ginny out of the room before anyone noticed her there.

Ron turned around to get up — and then his heart nearly imploded when he saw Malfoy standing in the gap between his curtains, a look of unholy glee on his face.

Ron stared, completely frozen. Then one of the beds creaked and Malfoy abruptly yanked the curtains shut.

“It appears that Weasley has uncharacteristically got up already,” he announced to the room at large. “It must’ve been the sweet calling of breakfast. I heard there are thestral sausages today. It all goes to his height. Or feet. I’m not sure which but the git is for sure a bottomless pit.”

Ron listened with sickening dread as the other boys grumbled sleepily, his heart trapped in his throat. He waited until he heard them shuffle out and the door thud shut before he frantically set out to wake up Ginny.

She grumbled sleepily and burrowed under the blankets, and Ron had to all but drag her out of bed. She stood rubbing her eyes as Ron helped her slippers on her feet and tucked her dressing gown around her.

Then he bit out, “Don’t come here again.”

He had to bite his tongue to stop himself from taking it immediately back when Ginny looked up at him with betrayed brown eyes.

“That’s nice,” she huffed and stomped out, slamming the door behind her.

Ron sank on the edge of his bed, put his face in his hands, and let out a long shaky groan.

“It’s not weird,” Ron said defensively as soon as he caught Malfoy alone.

Malfoy raised his eyebrows, the picture of polite inquiry even though he knew exactly what Ron was talking about, the infuriating git.

“Look,” Ron gritted out, frustrated. “She has nightmares, okay. It’s not something weird.”

“I’m not saying anything, Weasley,” Malfoy said, the corner of his mouth crooked faintly. Ron wanted to punch him.

“You’re such a fucking prat,” he snarled. He scrubbed both hands over his face and through his hair, agitated. “Look, it’s not anything you’re thinking about so would you just not? This one bloody time?”

Malfoy quirked his eyebrows. “You’re still the only one talking here, Weasley.”

Ron stamped down on the urge to throttle him. “Fine,” he bit out. “Just. Forget about this morning.”

He turned around to stomp out of the unused classroom when Malfoy’s sly amused voice stopped him. “Tell me, Weasley, what exactly is it that you thought I was thinking of? Of course it’s normal for the Weasley Fluff to rely on her big brother,” he said, and Ron eyed him warily over his shoulder because Malfoy being agreeable about anything usually preceded something terrible.

Malfoy’s mouth curved like a knife. “I’m curious, though. Are you sure she has nightmares?”

Ron opened and closed his mouth, something precarious shifting in his gut. He didn’t remember how or when it’d started. Just that they’d both been small, and their mum had always been busy with Fred and George and she’d often asked Ron to look after Ginny before she’d gone to yell at them for one thing or another. So Ginny’d come to him after hurts and nightmares, and it’d — felt nice, being relied on and needed.

“Shut up, Malfoy,” Ron rasped. “I don’t know what you’re on about.”

He stomped off before Malfoy could say anything else and slammed the door.

fin (for now)

Weasleys and their stereotypical tempers.

You know, the nice thing about posting stuff on my blog is that it kind of forces me to finish these little snippets. I actually had both of these scenes sitting unfinished but since I decided to share, I also managed to finish them. Though, if this Slytherin!Ron series is ever going to become an actual thing, I’m so going to have to edit it, ha ha.

So anywho, that’s that for today. Thank you to those who might read. ❤

To be honest, I also want to get back to reading Chinese and Japanese poetry. You know, I should just do that. Who cares if I have other million things unfinished?

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